Of the Hedgehog
[The Hedgehog] is about the bignesse of a Cony, but more like to a Hogge, being beset and compassed all over with sharpe thorney haires,as well on the face as on the feete.(...) His meate is Apples, Wormes, and Grapes. When he findeth Apples or Grapes on the earth he rowleth himselfe upon them, until he has filled all his prickles, and then carrieth them home to his den. And if it fortun that one of them fall off by the way, he likewise shaketh off all the residue and waloweth vpon them afresh untill they all be settled upon his backe againe,(...). When they hide themselves in their den they have a natural1 understanding of the turning of the wind. They have two holes in their cave, the one North the other South, observing to stop the mouth against the winde, as the skilful mariner to stiere and turn the rudder and sailes, for which some have held opinion that they do naturally foreknow the change of weather.(...) The left eie of a Hedgehog being fried with oyle, yealdeth a liquor which causeth sleep, if it bee infused into the eares with a quill. Warts of all sorts are likewise taken away by the same. If the right eie be fryed with the oile of lineseed and put in a vessel1 of red brasse,and afterward anoint his eies therewith aswith an eie-salve, he shal see as well in the darke as in the light.
Edward Topsell, 1607
From: The Historie of Foure-footed Beasts
by Edward Topsell
published by William Jaggard, London, 1607
quoted in: Natural History – Lore and Legend Being some few examples of quaint and by-gon beliefs gathered in from diverse authorities, ancient and mediaeval, of varying degrees of reliability
by F.Edward Hulme
published by Bernard Quaritch, 15 Piccadilly, London, 1895
electronic publication by Arment Biological Press, 2000
page 82,84