Sunshine from the Lost River Desert
100Ah of solar energy harvested at the Idaho National Laboratory

In 2018 a group artists toured the radioactive clean-up sites at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) along with the nuclear watchdog group Snake River Alliance. Since 1989, when the site was added to the Superfund list of the country's most polluted places, clean up efforts have costed over 9 billion dollars and could continue until the year 2050. Among other things, the artists watched the exhumation of plutonium contaminated waste that was buried in unlined pits directly above the Snake River Aquifer, sole source of drinking water for 300000 Idahoans. The experience was profoundly difficult to put into words. After a year of processing, the artists presented their work during an annual exhibition called Holding What Can’t Be Held, a continuing chronicle of the nuclear age and its impossible conundrums.
The solar energy harvested for Sunshine from the Lost River Desert was released by visitors during the course of the exhibition.
The solar energy harvested for Sunshine from the Lost River Desert was released by visitors during the course of the exhibition.
2019 | wooden chest, metal, light bulbs, battery
All content © Uli Westphal. Please respect the copyright.
All content © Uli Westphal. Please respect the copyright.